You may currently be experiencing difficulties in your life which prevent you from leaving home. You may be living in a remote area which does not have a counselling service within reasonable travel distance or mobility prevents you from accessing services. You could even be reading this web page from outside the UK. Web counselling via Skype could be the answer. If you have downloaded Skype on your computer, the only other requirements are a web cam, microphone and sound to enable us to see and hear one another. If you do not have Skype, it is available as a free download on the web link given at the foot of this page.
We do not share the same room when web counselling but we are working face-to-face in a confidential setting. You can be assured of the same level of service as attending a session in person.
Existing and past clients who have used web counselling have found great value in this service. Payment for this service is made securely via PayPal.
If you would like to enquire further about web counselling, including payment details, please contact me via the feedback form on this site.
For more information and to download Skype please click on the Skype logo.